News International Museum Day 2018 "Hyperconnected museums: new approaches, new audiences" was the theme chosen by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) - Portugal. The ...Read More 15/05/2018 Visit of the World Federation of Friends of Museums (WFFM) The Quinta das Cruzes Museum received on May 11 at 6:00 pm, the participants of the General Assembly of the ...Read More 14/05/2018 April 18 | International Day of Monuments and Sites The Quinta das Cruzes Museum associated itself with the celebrations of the International Day of Monuments and Sites with actions ...Read More 20/04/2018 Project “Memórias da Quinta” (Quinta’s memories) As part of the celebration of International Day for Monuments and Sites, April 18, 2018, under the theme Heritage: from ...Read More 18/04/2018 Donation by Susan Bolger Seldon | House of Torre Bela On September 27, 2017, at 3:00 p.m., a formal ceremony was held at the Quinta das Cruzes Museum, with the ...Read More 28/10/2017 ‹ 1 2 3 4