Bento Coelho da Silveira – XVII century
Oil on canvas
Ancient Fund – MQC 2254
Photo: Rui Camacho/DRC
The collections going to make up the collection of the Quinta das Cruzes Museum chiefly consist of assets of an artistic nature – Decorative Arts – though there are small clusters of archaeological and ethnographic objects.
These collections encompass clusters as diverse as Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Drawings and Engravings, Furniture etc which timewise date from the 15th century to the 1st half of the 20th century, covering all European and Oriental production, particularly Portuguese production.
But we can also find other less common clusters such as the Glyptic cluster which brings together pieces going back to 3rd BC; and also the Sculpture cluster which is spread around the garden and which includes architectonic and funereal elements of the most varied origins, but particularly from churches, convents and public buildings, some of which were built in the late 15th century.