
The Quinta das Cruzes Museum Library brings together a bibliographic collection related with the collections and vocation of the Museum itself. Initially formed with a view to serving as a support to the technical research services of the Museum, it gradually became a documental centre supporting the widespread study of Decorative Arts.

The Library was formed on the basis of legacies and donations of bibliographical species (highlighting that of José Leite Monteiro and, more recently, of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), consisting, in the main, of printed documents, particularly monographs and periodic publications. It also has some iconographic material.

The reference service is made up of a series of works: general, national and foreign encyclopaedias, as well as works specialising in the fields of decorative arts, museums, Portuguese art, dictionaries and indices.

The bibliographical collection of the Library brings together thematic works in Ceramics, Furniture, Goldsmithery/Silversmithery, Painting, Antiques, Museology, History, Art, Heritage, History of Madeira etc.

In 2003 Library computerisation process commenced whose prime objective was to process information, its specialisation making access easier for the public and providing some information resources specialising in the fields of decorative arts and local history.

At present the Library services are aimed at two kinds of users: internal (Museum technicians and employees) and external (lecturers, students, researchers in the fields of museology, heritage and regional history), affording the local consultation of documents, reproduction of documents and other services related with its documental collection.

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. – 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m
Library Technician: Luís Sena
Online Catalogue